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    Cards of the Day 1/9/14 - Blue Storm Revival


    Posts : 2627
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    Join date : 2012-04-03
    Age : 28

    Cards of the Day 1/9/14 - Blue Storm Revival Empty Cards of the Day 1/9/14 - Blue Storm Revival

    Post by Ruby Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:03 am

    Cards of the Day 1/9/14 - Blue Storm Revival Tumblr_mz4jm5Jask1r5s0e7o1_400

    [AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if it is the fourth battle of that turn or more, until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+5000 and "[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit's attack hits, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, choose one opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.".
    [CONT](VC/RC):If you have a non-«Aqua Force» vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]-2000.

    蒼嵐竜 メイルストローム Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom

    "Drain the chaos! Judgment Maelstrom!"

    現“アクアフォース”最強の戦士にして、弩級戦艦を悠に超える体長を誇る空母級の超巨大海竜。 階級は中将。 解放戦争時の暴走による反動で、いつ醒めるとも知れない眠りについていた。 その為、“リンクジョーカー”の新たな実験の被験体に選ばれ、意識の複製を取られた上、“Я(リバース)”化した意識体を生み出されてしまう。 しかし、深層意識を直接刺激された事が結果的に功を奏し、休眠状態から覚醒。 “アクアフォース”を総べる存在として、海軍のトップに再臨する。 海域にまで手を伸ばしてきた“リンクジョーカー”に押されていた海軍は、予期せぬ中将の復活によって大幅に士気を上げる事に成功したのである。 奪われた海域の奪還、己の影との決着――未だ思う様に動かない身体に鞭を入れながら、蒼き嵐は立ち上がる。 安息など必要ない。 必要なのは唯、世界を総べる秩序のみ。

    A super-huge Aircraft Carrier sized Sea Serpent whose entire body is bigger than a Dreadnought class ship, he boasts the title of the strongest warrior in the current “Aqua Force”. He’s ranked as a Vice Admiral of the Navy. Ever since his rampage during the War of Liberation, he has been in a deep dark sleep, and none knew when he would awaken from his slumber. Because of this, Link Joker made him the subject of their experiments, in which they copied his mind, and Reversed it. However, due to stimulating the very depths of his mind, they inadvertently awoke from his slumber. They have caused the second coming of the highest ranking active member of that great Navy, who is capable of controlling the entirety of “Aqua Force”. Link Joker had expanded their reach to the Seven Seas and pushed this mighty navy to the brink, but the unexpected revival of the Vice Admiral completely recharged their morale. His shadow stretched forth, as Aqua Force started recapturing their stolen territory… … And while his body doesn’t move quite as well as he’d like, a snap of his whip still causes a great, vast blue storm to form. He needs no more rest. All he needs is to take back Cray and force order upon it once more.

    Cards of the Day 1/9/14 - Blue Storm Revival BT15-040-R_%28Sample%29

    [AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
    [AUTO](RC):When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted, if you have an «Aqua Force» vanguard, and it is the third battle of that turn or more, look at five cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.

    蒼嵐候補生 マリオス Blue Storm Officer Cadet, Malios

    "The pledge of this young boy will soon become the vortex of fate."

    「メイルストローム」が率いる精鋭部隊「蒼嵐艦隊」の一員。 誕生してまだ数か月の新人の為、「候補生」を名乗っているが、その実力はすでに兵長クラスに匹敵する末恐ろしい将来性を秘めた少年。 他の候補生たちと同じ訓練メニューでは物足りないのか、しばしば違反と知りながらも勝手に訓練海域を抜け出し、よりハードなメニューを淡々とこなしていた。 現在製造が開始されている最新型、その一つ前の世代の中で最後に生まれたのが彼であり、天才という言葉が生温く聞こえる程の戦闘スキルから、誕生の際に何者かが手を入れたのではないか、という噂まで立っているらしい。 上官に対しても横柄な問題児だが、中将「メイルストローム」だけは目指すべき強さの象徴として常日頃から尊敬していた。その為か、蒼嵐艦隊に配属されてからは驚くほど模範的に日々を送るようになったという。

    A member of the elite force “Blue Storm Armada”, led by Maelstrom. Though he was just built a few months ago and he’s still a rookie, and merely is called a “Officer Cadet”, this boy hides terrifying potential and comparable to a Lead Seaman, Private Officer 3rd Class. Unsatisfied with the standard Cadet training course that he has available to him, he often goes outside of the designated training waters without permission and undergoes even harder and harsher training. He is the last of the previous generation before the current models being produced, but his combat skills are so incredible that the word “Genius” does him a disservice. There’s a rumor going around that someone might of had a hand in his creation. Though his commanding officers considered him an arrogant problem child, he saw Vice Admiral Maelstrom as a symbol of strength and greatness he should aim for each and every day. Most guess that because of that, he continues to spend every day setting an example after he was surprisingly assigned to the Blue Storm Armada.


    眠りから覚めた中将「メイルストローム」が率いる部隊の通称。 武力・知力など、いずれかの能力が飛び抜けて高い尖った実力者ばかりで構成された部隊。 不安定ではあるものの、上手く型にはまれば精鋭「タイダル」隊をも凌駕する実力を発揮するとすら言われており、“アクアフォース”内の注目の的となっている。

    The Blue Storm Armada Is…

    The nickname for the forces lead by Vice Admiral Maelstrom who just awoke. They’re a fighting force made up of extremely talented in either combat or brains. Although this group isn’t very stable, it’s said the Blue Storm Armada’s skills surpass even those of the elite of the “Tidal” Corps, and have increasingly become the center of attention within Aqua Force.

      Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 10:10 pm