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    Card of the Day 2/6/13 - Royal Liberator, Farron


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    Card of the Day 2/6/13 - Royal Liberator, Farron Empty Card of the Day 2/6/13 - Royal Liberator, Farron

    Post by Ruby Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:54 am

    Card of the Day 2/6/13 - Royal Liberator, Farron TD08-005_%28Sample%29

    [AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Liberator" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

    王道の解放者(リベレイター) ファロン Royal Liberator, Farron

    “Walking forth, straight ahead, that is the righteous path. The future lies ahead on that path.”

    “ゴールドパラディン”が正規軍となった後に配属された「解放者」にして爵位を持つ貴族階級の騎士。 が、周囲に余計な気遣いをさせない為、詳細な身分は騎士王と一部の団員以外には明かしていない。 礼儀正しい物腰と厳かな外見から一見すると近寄りがたい印象を受けるが、素は非常に気さくで話しやすい好青年である。 彼もまた、争いの無い世界を目指し奮起する王の姿に惹かれた者の一人。 生まれも身分も関係ない。 騎士団の戦士となるのに必要なものは平和を願う心、ただそれだけなのである。

    A knight, born from an aristocratic line, who gained the title “Liberator” and was being assigned to the Gold Paladins after they became a standing army. Because he doesn’t want anyone around him to excessively worry, due to his status as a noble, he refuses to reveal the truth about himself to anyone but the King and those who need to know. While you’re likely to get the impression he’s unapproachable due to his polite demeanor and solemn appearance, he is in fact a nice young man who is quite friendly and extremely easy to talk to. Also, he was one of those attracted to the King who aspires to create a world without war or strife. Where neither pedigree nor position matters. To become one of the Paladins, all you need is a heart that yearns for peace.


    神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

    The Liberators

    The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, “The Gold Paladins”, they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the “Liberators” because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the “Gold Paladins”, but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

      Current date/time is Mon May 20, 2024 1:54 pm