You already know what it does
The legendary hero of the holy nation, United Sanctuary, he is a Knight of Light who possesses courage and a heart of justice that never gives up. In a fight with a formidable opponent, further power awakens within him, becoming the legendary "Vanguard" who leads everyone on the planet Cray. At current however, he was ambushed by a mysterious power or energy that invaded from another reality, sealing him and the two other legendary heroes in an unknown space or dimension. The Gold Paladins are currently trying to save them. While at the same time, The Dragon Empire is doing everything they can, based on the same purpose, even though they plan to do so through different means. As well, the ancient navy, Aqua Force, is investigating the situation thoroughly. This battle that intertwines their plans and expectations, that has come to be known as the "War of Liberation", has finally reached its denouncement.
Last edited by Johnny on Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total