In my opinion, I can't see them banning a lot of the cards you mentioned since it would just quite literally kill a lot of meta decks.
Chaos Dragons without Red-Eyes and BLS sounds just eugh.
Kalut wont get hit because who the hell uses Blackwings and Tops in this day and age, also its at one not like its gonna completely change the game.
Exodia however is probably one of the ones I agree on since it promotes the auto win function and does pretty much what it shouldn't. Guy plays and draws every card in deck, wins. That just shouldn't happen.
Gorz won't get hit since its just a good OTK/FTK stopper.
I don't see Honest getting hit either since I can't think of any top-tier decks that use it (Except Chaos Dragons with JD).
Hornet shouldn't get hit since its Dragonfly that's the problem. But hey both of them getting hit would be even better~
I think Morphing Jar should be hit because its the exact as what Exodia FTK does which is sit there and do a bunch of plays whilst your opponent can't do anything and ends up decking out.
Hunter because Hunter hand drop ruins game turn one unless you have The Veiler or Maxx "c".
Gladiator Beasts having been topping enough and not enough hate. Besides it can just be Veilered, Starlight Road'd or The Huge Revolution is Over.
Brio and Librarian because Synchro Hate <3
Gaia is a really good Xyz but again they arn't going to ban something that just came out.
Agree with Card Destruction 120%, Because 3 Grapha's in hand with this is just good game.
Chain Strike is iffy, It's good enough to top but eugh, I just cant see it getting banned.
Final Countdown. The troll's deck, I actually love this deck, mainly because of the way people get so angry at it. But they wouldn't just go 3 to 0 unless it was exceptionally broke.
Future Fusion. Turn 1 against Chaos Dragons is almost a guaranteed game win. I don't even think we need an explanation why this thing needs to get hit.
Gateway I don't think would get hit since they just released that new Six Samurai structure deck. Why kill new product when it can still make you some more money~
Infernity Launcher isn't even close as a problem as it was about 1 or 2 years ago. In a format with 2 Warnings and a bunch of MSTs your more than likely not able to get it off. And who even plays Infernities and wins against Top Tier decks like Inzektors and Wind-Ups.
Limiter Removal should stay at one still since the only two decks that have a chance at Top Tierness with this is Machinas and Gadgets. True Wind-Up could use it, but thats implying they havn't destroyed your hand and don't need to use it.
Machine Dup. could really only be used in... Um... I don't even think Wind-Ups run this thing. Next card.
Mind Control is just a derp card. I finally summon my ace of the deck in Main Phase 2
, next turn. Hurr Hurr Mind Control, tribute for Caius. Get on the floor, dinosaur.
Reborn because top decking is great for the game. This is probably one of the only cards left (excluding Infernity Archfiend) that could entirely change a game thats been going on for a while. This or Storm.
Royal Tribute is just a card that Gravekeepers can pretty much use, since it requires Necrovalley or the other deck would be Malefic Geartown Stun.
Pot of Avarice. Has its pros and cons, all in all great late game for decks like Rabbit and Lightsworns.
Ojama Trio, Chain Burn, Secret Barrel. I like that nice new shave I just cut out of your life points.
Self-Destruct Button. Konami were high making this after seeing Countdown top.
Limiting Kristya wouldn't really do much except hitting Fairies.
Judgement Dragon would be nice at 2 but It dosen't deserve enough hate for it to be limited.
Rescue Rabbit is a gold mine that can still /easily/ make Konami some money.
Snoww, ugh same with Gateway, just came out in a structure deck. Can still be made money from.
Tour Guide at one is like spitting in the faces of those who opened countless Extreme Victory sets to try and get a playset. I like this idea~
Zenmaity is just stupid derp stall card. This thing banned or limited would be the best thing I can see on the ban list. But again, coming in future tins so hey, more money.
Rekindling, because a good Laval build can play this so well.
Secret Barrel. Because turn 1 this and Ojama Trio is just like saying -1800 before you start.
Earth, stay at one. Please. Agents were good, but I actually want Striker to come back.
Skill Drain. TGs. Konami hates Synchros.
Gale. 3. Either Blackwings are getting a nice boost at the cost of Kalut or Anti-Meta C4C decks will be going crazy.
Card Trooper at 3 must be why Machine Dup is being banned. Card Troop was fine were it was.
Spore. Plants. Konami hates Synchros. We know where this is going.
Bestiari, I dont even know. Its good. But its not good enough to get Limited and its not being used enough to goto 3.
TG Striker. 3. Konami Hates Synchros. This is about the fourth time i've said this <3
Book of Moon at three. I don't even run it at 1. Since they're are plenty of better cards.
D Draw. People still play D-Heroes?
Scapegoat. Woah, 3. Now all we need is Tsukuyomi, Thousand-Eyes Restrict and we can /practically/ bring back the Goat Format.